
Ricky Antonino Eng 122 12/6/2017 Class Reflections               My initial goal this semester was to enhance my vocab while also learning the basics needed to write a good paper as in things like voice, and word choice. Throughout the semester I had many chances to practice my writing in order […]

Chapter 9 Meaning

Written by Ricky Antonino Chapter 9 Pink was all about finding meaning in one’s life. He talked about how meaning could be found through spiritualism, and happiness. He also talked about the power behind labyrinths. Personally I always assumed labyrinths and mazes were the same thing. Although pink brought to my attention that labyrinths are […]

Chapter 8 Play

Written by Ricky Antonino “when you depend on something else to make you laugh, the laughter doesn’t belong to you. That’s a conditional laugh.” This is part of a quote from Dr. Kataria that I picked up from reading chapter 8. Chapter 8 is all about the importance of laughter, humor and play in our […]

Reflection Essay

By Maggie Smith Reflection Essay My goals at the beginning of the semester were to get back into the feel of school. After I graduated high school, I dropped out of college for three years. This has been my first semester back at school, and I am determined to continue my education. I took English […]

Michael Greenlee Reflection

Sometimes even an English class can be shocking and create a fun outlet in your life that’s still productive. Towards the beginning of the semester, I didn’t really expect much other than completing credit and hopefully improving my writing skills. Starting a new blog was of course another excitement for me, a new door to […]

Reflection Paper

Jonathan Martinez Eng. 122 Jennifer Zukowski 11/29/2017 Reflecting on Class!!! The end is nigh for English 122 and now it is time for the most important assignment in all of the history of class, the reflection paper. This paper is the detailed explanation of what was learned over the fifteen-ish week course. So now be […]

Peer-editing Worksheet!

A review on a paper about the New freedom tower in New York. This paper starts off in the second paragraph with the main thesis being that the One World Trade Center or Freedom Tower is a significantly innovative piece of architecture.  This thesis statement is debatable in two points one is that there are […]

Peer Editing Worksheet (for Jonathan)

By Michael Greenlee for Jonathan Martinez The writer does take a stand.. That prosthetic devices will push human disability to new heights. The thesis is debatable, although it seems a little raw. I would revise it more towards human capability to new heights in general, since he covers more than just disability. Jonathan includes research […]

Peer Edit for Maggie

By JayRay Yes, the afterlife is real mf! Which is certainly a debatable topic, at least if you ask the last 5000 years of religious history.  This point is made within the first paragraph. There is quite a bit of evidence, listed, both for and against her point, which is nice, Also I notice that […]

Peer Editing Worksheet: Jay Ray

by Maggie Smith JAY RAY’S PAPER: PLEASE EAT LESS SUGAR AMERICA The paper DOES take a strong stance in the issue. It very clearly tells you the viewpoint of the writer, “Sugar is really really bad for you” There are 5 strong points in this essay. Each point needs to be broadened into more specific […]