Reflection Paper

Jonathan Martinez

Eng. 122

Jennifer Zukowski


Reflecting on Class!!!

The end is nigh for English 122 and now it is time for the most important assignment in all of the history of class, the reflection paper. This paper is the detailed explanation of what was learned over the fifteen-ish week course. So now be prepared to read by amazed and cry in a paper that will explain the stuff learned, struggled, and something else that is equally as important.

When I first started this class I was coming off the high of passing the English 121 class and all that entailed. So my goals was not as specific as the first class entailed. I only had two the first was to get better at creating and understanding an argument paper. The second was to pass to get my English credits out of the way. My previous paper in this class was a strong improvement from the other papers that I have done in High School and even in college. I was able to finally get the grasp of argument papers. Stating a compelling strong thesis with a captivating and wonderfully quirky sentence structure is my bread and butter. However, I never clearly see or understand if my papers are arguable, unless I say this is right and here’s why. In this class I have spent more time on revision combined than I have ever spent writing. By getting my peer group feedback an understanding developed of what was be said or applied. Now I can clearly see if a statement is being argued or not. An example would be class conscious creates conflict because of these factors.

There were several things that jumped out that caught my interest. With my paper focusing on prosthetic devices I found the amount of money invested in the development overwhelming. The number of new prosthetic devices that operate like real limbs feels like we live in a sci fi book. Another thing that I found important was that the military sponsored a Wii like simulator that helped disabled veterans test their new prosthetic devices and served as a moral factor for what the soldiers would want out of their life.

I am really proud of the number of sources that I was able to put in my paper that can be used to support my argument. I have reread it several times and I am excited by the number of grammar mistakes that have been fixed since the beginning. As far as my technology and computer skills go I feel pretty much the same as previous classes. The only new thing that learned was blog posting and the grammar and structure that it has entailed.

Having spent roughly ten-twelve hours a week on my paper for about two weeks I feel confident that I have a solid paper. The beginning as with most papers I write was slow and annoying because of the answers that are not found such as money, cost variables, and counter-argument materials. Once I found all of this it became easier and a bit fun to write the research paper. Another thing that I disliked but is important was the works cited page because this entailed going back and forth with the page, a tab that contained Owl Purdue, and all my sources it was time consuming. As far as my paper goes there are a few adjustments that I see one is getting rid of any fluff or rewritten sentences that do not convey anything. I need to reread my paper and see if I merely stated something without a clear meaning  of what and why I was stating it. I also need to work on my counter-argument and the refutation so that it flows and makes sense. One thing that I found useful to my research was to use google scholar and the ebsco website in conjunction to get a clear layout of what information I needed, wanted or was fluff.

Overall, I believe that I have a stronger writer if not better and I will take the researching skills and my many hours of editing seriously in the future of any of my other papers. This class through my revisions has allowed me to quickly ascertain what I need or what does not make sense in my paper that previously was a struggle that I did not know I had. Also stating stronger theses that contain a point and an arguable paper is something I believe I improved upon.


Jonathan Martinez

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